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CD Jasco

The new J-1000 series from Jasco offers the latest instruments for applications like protein analysis, DNA/RNA interactions, enzyme kinetics, formulation studies, purity measurements of optically active substances or quantitative measurements of pharmaceuticals. Secondary structure and multivariate curve analysis are integrated into the software as standard. The latest quad lock-in amplifier enables the simultaneous acquisition of up to four channels of data like CD, absorption, linear dichroism (LD), fluorescence, fluorescence detected CD (FDCD), fluorescence detected LD (FDLD), fluorescence anisotropy and optional rotation dispersion (ORD). The J-1500 as well as theJ-1700 can be upgraded to High-Throughput systems with autosampler.

Alt TextpdfJasco General Brochure

Alt TextpdfJasco Applications CD

Alt TextpdfJ-1000 Series


Alt TextpdfJ-1100 brochure

  • Compact model for simple applications


Alt TextpdfJ-1500 brochure

  • High end workhorse for all sorts of applications


Alt TextpdfJ-1700 brochure

  • High end model into the NIR region (163 – 2500 nm)

Portmann Instruments AG
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